write a book

Write a book. If you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, copywriter, coach, or freelancer of any kind, it will open up doors for you like nothing else.

I’m talking a non-fiction, real, physical book.

Write a good book – not a glorified blog post, skimpy ebook, or transcript of some podcast or speech you did – and the world will look at you with different eyes. You’ll have a new-found respect from your peers and prospects alike.

40 reasons to write a book

  1. You have important things to say, and the world needs to hear them.
  2. People don’t throw books out. Somewhere, 50 years from now, someone will stumble upon your book, read it, and act on it.
  3. When you’re sitting on a plane and the guy next to you asks what you do, you can simply say, “I’m an author.” Much easier than trying to describe what a copywriter is.
  4. Same thing at social functions or cocktail parties. “I’m an author” creates more interest than “I’m a copywriter” or “I’m an Internet Marketer.”
  5. You’ll get introduced to more people. Everyone wants to tell people about their friend, the writer.
  6. If you’re single, you’ll get more dates.
  7. If you’re married, you’ll have at least one person who thinks your book is the absolute best.
  8. It will give you more credibility in your field.
  9. You can autograph a book. Hard to do with an ebook.
  10. Print is far from dead. In fact, according to a recent New York Times piece, ebook sales are slipping.
  11. Ebooks don’t make good gifts. Print books do.
  12. You’ll get you speaking gigs if you want them.
  13. Those speaking gigs will lead to more clients.
  14. People will start asking for your advice more, on all kinds of topics. This could be good or bad.
  15. A book is much more effective than a business card.
  16. One book leads to a second book. It’s just the beginning.
  17. When you send your book to a good prospect, there’s a good chance it’ll get their attention.
  18. If you send it 2-day shipping via your Amazon Prime membership, your only cost will be the price of the book (and you’ll get your cut of that).
  19. Instead of always directing people to your website, you can tell them to check out your Author Page on Amazon.
  20. A good Amazon Author Page could hook as many people as your website.
  21. Amazon is taking over the world. Why not be a part of it?
  22. You’ll be able to develop programs and courses based on your book, bringing in more revenue.
  23. You can get interviewed on podcasts, lots of people will hear it, and your reach will spread.
  24. You’ll get interviewed on radio stations if you want to.
  25. Podcast interviews, radio interviews, and speaking gigs will drive traffic to your website.
  26. Offer the first two or three chapters free on your website to grow your email list.
  27. A bigger email list means more opportunities for selling your other products and services.
  28. You’ll be able to raise your fees on everything you offer because of your newly perceived expertise.
  29. Remember your sophomore English teacher who gave you a “C”? Send her your book (if she’s still alive).
  30. If she’s not? Send it to someone else who doubted your abilities.
  31. Market it right and you’ll have a nice, ongoing source of passive income.
  32. Plan from the start to write a whole series of books. Think Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad series, or Tim Ferriss’s Four-Hour books. If people buy one, they’ll want each one in the series.
  33. Bad at shopping for people like I am? Give them your book (autographed, of course).
  34. Autographing your own book has to be one of the coolest feelings. I’ll let you know.
  35. I don’t recommend this as a book-selling strategy, but can you imagine doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble?
  36. Again, this isn’t a strategy I’d recommend, but small, independent bookstores would be glad to have you do a short presentation and book signing for their members.
  37. Helping an independent bookstore promote your signing will give you more practice selling yourself.
  38. Promoting yourself will come in handy when you’re famous.
  39. You could become a New York Times bestselling author and make a lot of money.
  40. More likely, you could become wealthy by parlaying your book into a business. And one bonus reason…
  41. Someone you love will look at you in a whole new light.

There you go. 41 reasons to write a non-fiction book to help build your business.

Which are your three favorites? Any that I missed? Let me know.

Steve Roller

Author Steve Roller

I'm a business coach, author, copywriter, world traveler (33 countries on five continents so far), and professional speaker. In addition to helping companies get more customers and make more money, I help other writers create profitable businesses. I offer one-on-one coaching, professional copy critiques, and live, in-person business-building workshops. When I'm not writing, coaching, or speaking, I enjoy nothing more than hanging out with my wife and four kids and planning my next adventure.

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