My Mission

I’m on a mission to help freelancers, copywriters, and solo business operators change the way they work.

You don’t have to follow the herd.

You don’t have to hire a team of people or scale to 7 or 8 figures.

You don’t have to automate and “funnelize” everything.

There’s a better way.

Let’s focus more on serving others in a bigger way, rather than thinking first and foremost about what we’re going to get out of it.

Let’s inject ourselves into the equation more.

Let’s work hard, but let’s have fun.

Let’s work with people we really want to work with, versus taking whoever comes our way.

I’m on a mission to bring back:

Real connections

Authentic conversations

Long-term business relationships

Relationships. What else is there?

Let’s think more about how we can serve our clients than about how much they’re going to pay us. Money will always be there. It’s a natural byproduct of doing good work, but it doesn’t need to be the primary focus.

More than anything, I’m on a mission to…

Live Large

Impact Others

Leave a Legacy

…and bring as many people along with me as possible.

I’d love for you to be one of them. Let’s do this.