“How do you break into a new niche?”
Good question.
The standard advice out there is to position yourself as a specialist in that niche. Come up with a business name and website copy that reflects all of that, and blog posts that show your expertise.
You can do that, but it takes time. It’s also competitive, and relies too much on “pull” marketing.
I like going after things in a much more straightforward way that gets quicker results.
It’s not that complicated. Read on…
Have you noticed that restaurant service isn’t what it used to be? Even Starbucks doesn’t hire the friendly types they were known for years ago.
I frequent a great locally-owned coffee shop, but other than my regular hangout, it seems like it would serve baristas well to learn the names of regulars and smile more. Waiters and waitresses, too.

In fact, if anyone wants to run with this idea, come up with a Special Report, 21 Ways to Increase Tabs, Get Bigger Tips, and Grow Your Restaurant – Without Spending a Dime on Advertising.
Then send a direct response letter to 150 independently-owned (not franchise or chain) restaurants. Or target them using FB ads.
(We talked about the Hot 150™ system last week at my Phoenix event. This works perfectly with that. I’ll be talking about the Hot 150™ ongoing in emails, blog posts, and in a mini-course I’m working on.)
Direct them to a landing page on your website, and offer to send them the report for free in exchange for their email address. (You can use a niche-specific domain name, by the way, and redirect it to this page on your site.)
Then continue to give value with follow-up tips, ideas, and marketing advice through regular emails.
Show them how to promote their restaurant by building (and using) an email list of their own, using direct mail, and using FB ads (if you know FB ads, that is).
Quickly up-sell them on an introductory, inexpensive service to get the ball rolling.
Once you complete that, take them to the next step and show them how your core service will help them even more.
You could offer ongoing content marketing services, email marketing, and lead generation services. You could position yourself as a Restaurant Marketing Consultant if you want.
It all starts with offering them something that will help their business grow. Creative ideas you come up with that they might not have thought about otherwise.
You become a marketing hero to someone who may not have the means to hire an agency or full-time person.
Stop waiting around for people to come to you. Stay away from job board sites where you’re competing with a bunch of other copywriters. Don’t rely on inbound marketing.
Go straight to the source. Be the person who solves problems and comes up with business-building ideas.
They don’t know what they want and aren’t going to go out of their way looking for you. Go to them.
Do things differently than the typical copywriter.
There’s money falling from the sky. You just have to go out and get some of it.
I have 40 Under-the-Radar Niches you could tap into next month, and could easily come up with 40 lead-generation report titles. They’re under-served, they need help, and they’d be happy to hear from you.