Tired of up-and-down, unpredictable income?

Are you ready to build a consistent, profitable, sustainable business, once and for all?

A business that fits you and your style, that you can ride for the next 5-10 years or more?

Then I invite you to join me at the first-ever Business Beyond Freelancing Live! in beautiful Rhode Island September 29-30

BBF Live! is a two-day transformational workshop designed to give you:

  • Clarity on your offer, pricing, and positioning
  • A mapped-out plan to get you booked up in the 4th quarter and have your best year ever in 2023
  • A simple, minimalist client acquisition and retention system you can use for life

“In two days!?” Yes.

In fact, we’re going to roll up our sleeves and get all the business work done on the first day in the Board Room at The Graduate Hotel (the former classic Biltmore) in downtown Providence. That’s Day 1, September 29.

Photo credit: Graduate Providence

Providence is

the capital of Rhode Island,

and a very walkable city.

I liken it to a mini-Boston, and Emida and I have visited a lot since our daughter goes to school here and we only live 45 miles away. If you’ve never been to this city founded in 1636, you’ll love it. Then on Day 2, September 30, we’re going to have some group fun and continue the conversations in nearby historic Newport. (See travel logistics further down.)

Who is BBF Live! for?

Newport is called the City by the Sea, and it has more colonial homes (from the 1700s) than any other city in America.

During the Gilded Age it was the social capital of the United States, and many wealthy New Yorkers, business moguls, and celebrities “summered” at their “cottages” and threw lavish parties for their friends.

We’ll go see the grandest of those cottages, The Breakers mansion, home of Cornelius Vanderbilt. After that, you’ll have a chance to stroll along the Cliff Walk, a pedestrian path between the mansions and the ocean. If you’re interested, we’ll drive by Seafair, Jay Leno’s majestic oceanfront estate. (Judge Judy also lives in the neighborhood.)

Who is BBF Live! for?

Anyone who wants to grow their business in 2023 in a simple, straightforward way without using paid traffic or complicated funnels, and without requiring Influencer, A-level, or Expert status. (Perfectly fine if you have any of those titles, though!)

This works for anyone who has some skills and is open to a slightly different way of operating. A proven way. The Steve Roller way.

You’ll be the first to experience the brand new BBF Live!, but it’s actually the 15th live event I’ve hosted since 2013.

Leanne Rumsey said this about the one she attended in Santa Fe:

“The experience with this small group was nothing short of a high-level mastermind or brainstorming event that other people would have paid tens of thousands of dollars to participate in and attend.”

Don’t worry, I’m not taking Leanne’s pricing suggestion (yet). The 2022 BBF Live! is only $500 for Back Room Members, and $1,250 for non-members.

Yes, Steve, I'm in!

Back Room MembersNon-Members

Non-members can also message me at steve@steveroller.com to join the Back Room first, for only $75, and save $750!

Why now?

I timed this to be right at the end of the 3rd quarter so you could finish the year strong and go into 2023 at full speed.

Also, fall in New England is absolutely gorgeous. There’s no place I’d rather be. I’m looking forward to showing you my neck of the woods.

Why in person instead of a virtual event?

Something magical happens when you get together in person. The ideas seem to take hold better. The memories stick, too. More than anything, the follow-through has a much better track record. For whatever reason, people actually act on the ideas and make them pay off. I take no credit for that, it’s part of the experience.

The other reason is because I love seeing people in person so much more than on Zoom calls. We’ll have fun and get to know each other better, and again, I promise you’ll get your money’s worth, in the short- and long-term.

Gary Wright, a past attendee, said:

“The small size makes it easier to share our stories and create a bond that would be hard to replicate in a larger group. Steve’s relaxed style and willingness to give is evident through the whole retreat experience. I would definitely recommend it to those who are serious about improving their business.”

And I got this message from Anton Volney six months after he attended one of my retreats in Vermont:

“Happy story! I just landed a full-time Senior Copywriting position with Ramit Sethi at IWillTeachYouToBeRich.com. This puts me on track to AT LEAST double my income this year.

“As far as I’m concerned, the breadcrumb trail that led me to this position started with Steve’s retreat four months ago. I’m very happy I decided to come.”

The schedule and travel logistics.

If you’re in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey, consider driving. Further out? Fly to Boston Logan (BOS) or Providence’s T.F. Green airport (PVD). If you fly to BOS, you could rent a car or take the train 53 miles to Providence. If you fly to PVD, it’s a 12-mile Uber ride to The Graduate Hotel.

Plan to come in on Wednesday, September 28. I have a room block at The Graduate for the nights of Sept 28 and 29 for $149/night. Book your room here after you’ve registered for BBF Live!

On Day 2 we’ll make the 45-minute drive down to Newport. My wife, Emida, will be joining us. Between the two of us, we’ll be able to transport up to 8 people, and I know at least a couple people attending are driving, so don’t feel like you have to rent a car. We’ll have it covered.

If you’re driving, you can head back anytime later in the day on Friday, or stay an extra day or two and make a fun weekend out of it. As I said, New England in fall is beautiful! We’re right near Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and Long Island, or you could head north a few hours up to Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont. I can give you lots of suggestions.

If you’re flying back, either make arrangements for late in the day Friday, September 30, or stay longer to enjoy the weekend. Emida or I might be able to get you from Newport to the airport, depending on what time your flight is, or you could take an Uber (28 miles).

What's included?

Workshop and materials at The Graduate, lunch and dinner on Thursday, lunch on Friday, admission to the Vanderbilt home, The Breakers on Friday, and fun, invigorating conversation throughout our time together.

Not included: Getting to Providence. Hotel room at The Graduate (see link above under Schedule and travel logistics for the link to reserve your room). Parking at the hotel if you drive.

11 more things you’ll get at BBF Live!:

  1. A newfound shift in the way you position yourself and operate your business.
  2. A Client Conversation process to sift and sort and bring people into your world.
  3. A client acquisition and retention system you can use for life.
  4. Fun! Day 1 will be all business in Providence. Day 2 will be all fun in Newport.
  5. In-person interaction with other sharp, like-minded people. Live beats Zoom any day.
  6. Ideas (from me and other attendees) that you might not have thought of on your own. Too often we work in a vacuum. It’s good to get amongst people making things happen!
  7. A possible metaphorical shot to the head (see Ed’s testimonial below).
  8. A physical copy of The Field Guide to Getting Good Clients You Love, hot-off-the-press.
  9. A chance to see what I think is the most beautiful part of the country (New England) at the most beautiful time of the year. I wouldn’t be anywhere else in early fall.
  10. Answers to any questions you have and feedback on your ideas.
  11. Time with me, Emida, and the rest of the group. We look forward to hanging out with you

What I got was some ideas, some support, and some camaraderie, and yes, some friendship…and on the third day, a metaphorical shot to the head. In two sentences, Steve both took me to task for what I was doing, copywriting-wise, and blindingly clarified what I was supposed to be doing.

It was suddenly clear to me what kind of writing I was supposed to be doing, what kind of clients I needed to go after. But more importantly, I knew INSTANTLY what and who I was NOT supposed to be pursuing. THAT’S what Steve's retreat can do for you.

Ed Estlow

Ready for a two-day business transformation?

Come to BBF Live! and get clarity, a plan, and a system you can use from this point evermore. Emida and I look forward to hosting you.

Yes, Steve, I'm in!

Back Room MembersNon-Members

Non-members can also message me at steve@steveroller.com to join the Back Room first, for only $75, and save $750!