Stop trying to operate in a vacuum
Sometimes we all need objective advice and feedback.
Often that’s all we need to get back on track and move our business up a notch or two.
A 1-on-1 call might be just the ticket…
“Can I pick your brain?”
I love this question, and the answer is: Yes! You can!
Especially if you’re looking for solutions, fresh ideas, and an objective second set of eyes on your business.

[Note: Once I get notification of your payment, I’ll email you to schedule a call and ask you some questions so we can make the most of our time together. The Zoom call could be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on you and your needs.]
Here’s a common scenario I see:
Your business is rolling along, but you know you could be doing even better.
Maybe the marketplace has changed. Could be there’s more and better competition now than when you started, the audience has shifted, or last year’s strategy isn’t working in today’s social and economic climate.
Whatever it is, you know a small tweak could make all the difference in ramping up your business again, but you’re not exactly sure what that tweak is.
The challenge: we’re too close to our own deal. It could be right in front of us and we can’t see it. This is where I can help.
Years ago I used to do this for free, at all hours of the day and night. I had some early success as a copywriter, I had some big-name clients, and my business was humming along.
So when other copywriters messaged me and said, “Hey, Steve, can I pick your brain?” (that’s almost always how they phrased it), my answer was always, “For sure! Let’s talk.”
I had no idea people charged for this, and I didn’t need to since I had other income sources. Besides, it was rewarding, and most of all — fun.
Brandy Booth was one of those people I talked to in the early days. He was just getting his business started, and had a lot of questions.
”Initially, I didn’t know how to turn my big idea into something that would make money. But after spending more than an hour on a call with Steve in the middle of the night one night, we made a list of the possibilities.
That’s what he’s good at. Helping you package your big ideas into a workable plan.
So if you’ve got something on your mind, you’re in the right place. Steve can help you figure out the next step.
Brandy Boothowner of Michigan Business Builder and Charged Up Marketing, author of Unsocial Media Management
One call helped him get things moving in the right direction, and a few years later he was a published author and a successful business consultant.
After doing well over 500 free calls, I started charging for it. I’ve probably done 1,000 since then. No one’s ever flinched at the price or asked for a refund because they didn’t get their money’s worth. Not once.
Josh Monen was further along in his copywriting career, booked solid with a long-time retainer client and others. He had a question about a proposal he was putting together, and simply wanted to bounce a few ideas off me. Afterward he wrote:
”Thank you so much for overdelivering on our call today! It’s exactly what I needed. The ideas you shared with me were super valuable. Glad we got to meet.
Josh Monen
By the way, this is for freelancers, copywriters, and solo business operators who are not part of my Cafe Back Room community. Back Room members get a free advisory call with me when they join, and one-on-one calls as needed (a good reason alone to join).
Seriously, if you like the idea of ongoing advice and feedback, from me and a really sharp group of copywriters and business owners, consider joining us.
This is also not for business owners who are looking to possibly work with me on a big project over time. We can schedule a complimentary call to see if we’re a good fit for each other. See Custom proposals or Ghostwriting for more details.
If this is more likely a one-time need you have, sign up here, I’ll email you upon receipt of payment, and we’ll schedule a time that works for both of us.
Here’s what a one-time 1-on-1 call can give you:
- Clarity
- Focus
- Direction
- Serious time savings (versus trying to figure it all out yourself)
- Objective feedback (not mindless cheerleading or uninformed criticism)
- Brilliant ideas you haven’t thought of yet
- A plan that works
- A business generating more money
Get to the root of the problem, and a solution, in one session. No more stagnating. No ongoing costly coaching that strings you along like therapy.
You’re probably closer to a breakthrough than you think…if you stop trying to go it alone.
What else could a one-time call like this do for you?
I’ll let a few other satisfied customers speak (and see about 75 more here):
As soon as I get a notification, I’ll email you to schedule the call, and we’ll get rolling. It will pay off for you, I promise. I look forward to talking.