Big Ideas

How to write while traveling, cheaper than staying home, part II

By 06/01/2013March 13th, 20144 Comments

“Leave no stone unturned to help your clients realize maximum profits from their investment.”                                                                                                                                                                     – Arthur C. Nielsen, 1918 graduate of the University of Wisconsin, and founder of the ACNielsen Company in 1923, which advanced the cause of market research.

Benin City

Two days ago in part I of this series I talked about how I’m able to travel 7-10 weeks a year because of my copywriting business.

I gave you the seven things you need to be able to write and travel at the same time, all for less than what it would cost you to stay home.

One of those seven things is a steady base of monthly writing clients. Let’s keep it short and sweet today and leave details for another post (and my upcoming book.)

3 things you need to get steady, ongoing clients

1. You need to stand out.

Somehow in the beginning, you need to stand out and impress a prospective client. Just like most employers have dozens, if not hundreds of qualified applicants, clients have their choice of hundreds of copywriters.

So how in the world do you distinguish yourself?

You could be the expert in your very narrow niche. If your specialty is writing SEO copy for the hydroponics  industry (look it up, it’s fascinating stuff), you can probably quickly and easily become the go-to writer in that area.

You could do something most other copywriters haven’t done, like write a book that people actually want to read.

You could do something that other copywriters aren’t willing to do, like become a professional speaker.

Or, you could just distinguish yourself in a very subtle way. Describe who you are and what you do in a fresh, lively, perhaps offbeat way on your website.

Whatever you do, stand out if you expect to get noticed in a crowded arena.

2. Be likable.

Clients want to work with someone they like.

I could give you a hundred things to do here, but I’ll give you just one instead. Read How to Win Friends and Influence People, the classic book written by Dale Carnegie and first published in 193

If you’re in the business of selling (and we all are), you should read it.

3. Over-deliver.

You simply have to give the client more value than what you’re charging, whatever that is.

One of the easiest ways to do that is to offer advice on social media strategy and marketing systems, in addition to delivering top-notch copywriting.

In the process, you’re almost assuring yourself of future work if they listen to your advice. They’ll need someone to implement those strategies, right?

When they grow, they’ll keep you on as both copywriter and adviser. That’s how you keep an ongoing relationship.

Stand out, be likable, and over-deliver. Do those three simple things, and you’ll get and keep ongoing clients.

That’s step two in setting yourself up to be able to travel at will while you keep your copywriting business humming along.

Stay tuned for the June 4 post, “How to write while traveling, cheaper than staying home, part III.” We’ll be discussing how to develop passive income.

While we’re talking about travel, two questions:

If you could pick one inspiring place to travel to in the States for an Ultimate Writing Retreat™ next year, where would it be?

Same question, outside of the U.S.? Thanks for your input.

Steve Roller

Author Steve Roller

I'm a business coach, author, copywriter, world traveler (33 countries on five continents so far), and professional speaker. In addition to helping companies get more customers and make more money, I help other writers create profitable businesses. I offer one-on-one coaching, professional copy critiques, and live, in-person business-building workshops. When I'm not writing, coaching, or speaking, I enjoy nothing more than hanging out with my wife and four kids and planning my next adventure.

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