The problem with people today: they don’t think.
Everyone is consuming ideas, very few are producing them.
That’s why if you can become an Idea Generator, you’ll have a leg up on the competition.
It’s one of the 11 Big Ideas I talk about at length in The Freelancer Manifesto (Second Edition coming soon, First Edition with rave reviews still available on Amazon).
You’ll also get 10 other Big Ideas to stand out and thrive in today’s marketplace.
I think you’ll like it.
Others won’t.
Why not? Because I’m calling out certain people, organizations, and institutions whose success depends on keeping people like you in the dark.

The Freelancer Manifesto is going to upset the apple cart…topple it over…and give you a fresh, new, upbeat, and offbeat approach to building your business.
Toss them rotten apples away and rise above the fray.
Tons of opportunities out there…if you’re open to doing things differently.
That’s why I question the status quo and call out:
- Expensive online copywriting programs (there’s a quicker and better way to spend your time and money).
- Job sites like Upwork (they have their place, but not for business-builders these days).
- “Digital nomads” who can’t really tell you what their services are, but man, they sure know how to take selfies!
- Hucksters who tell you anyone can be a successful freelancer. Take my Freelance Quiz to find out your FQ (freelance quotient) and you could save yourself a lot of time, money, and heartache.
- The “nichers” – anyone who maintains that you have to pick a niche in order to be successful. Not true at all, and I show you how to go against the grain and succeed.
- The entire freelancer-for-hire model, which only works really well for a select few. A better way? Ditch the freelancer model all together. I know, ironic, right? I’ll show you how.
- Eugene Schwartz, John Caples, and Claude Hopkins. What!? Sacrilege! Legends have their place, but not at the table of today’s creative professional.
- Contemporary legends, too. Not naming them here. No need to ruffle feathers any more than I already am.
- The concept of clients and consultations. I’m more in favor of customers and commodity-based prices. I explain in Chapter 15.
Are you starting to get a feel for it?
This is about the status quo vs. questioning authority.
Old dogs vs. youthful energy and ideas.
Groveling at the feet of big clients vs. being your own client.
Standing in line with others vs. getting others to stand in line for you.
It’s a changing of the guard, and I hope you’re on board with me.
These are exciting times if you get out of the freelancer way of thinking.
What do you think? Time for the old ways to go? We’re building businesses here, not creating more freelancers.